Latest Timber Frame Tiny House Workshop Success!
Have you ever dreamt about building your own tiny house? Have you ever wondered how to build with natural timbers and no nails? Our Timber Framing Tiny House course gives you both – an interesting tiny house design to build and traditional greenwood working skills to build it with.
On our last course 6 strangers came together to learn the traditional skill of timber framing and created a tiny masterpiece in just one week. The workshop brought together like-minded people, who bonded through hard work and a shared passion for building sustainably, creating a powerful tribe and life long friends!

On their 5th day of the course they gained a well rounded understanding of milling, calculating and building a timber frame structure; they practiced woodworking techniques with hand tools and power tools. They learnt about the tools needed to build in this traditional style, how to use them safely, and how to look after them, including sharpening techniques.
“Attending the course was a beautiful experience – the learning, the instruction, the people and the food!” Marg O’Brien, 64, student.
The course was taught by Graeme Scott, eco-builder and tiny house enthusiast. Graeme has been building tiny spaces for decades, his passion for carpentry started in his dad’s shed as a kid, moving through to set building and boat renovations, to building log frame homes and now tiny houses. His extraordinary passion for wood and environmental sustainability make him an incredibly knowledgeable and inspiring teacher.
“Empowering people through traditional woodworking techniques encourages resilience, ingenuity and creativity in a changing world.”
Graeme Scott, founder and tutor at Golden Frames Woodworking School.
Graeme Scott, founder and tutor at Golden Frames Woodworking School.

Golden Frames Woodworking School is situated in and around the ‘Scott clan’ family home in Golden Bay.
As a family their philosophy is to tread lightly on the Earth. Sometimes they do this with ease and sometimes not but this is why they choose to live off grid – to be responsible for their own power, water, waste and as much of their food as possible. This flows through into their courses – teaching people to build their own homes, and make the utensils to go in those homes empowers people to make positive environmental choices and take responsibility for creating their homes and shelters.
“There is nothing more satisfying than using natural materials, and your own hands, to create something beautiful whist being surrounded by the very environment those materials came from.” Liv Scott
Golden Frames Woodworking School inspires, educates and facilitates you to build your own natural tiny home!
Places still available for June's Timber Frame Tiny House workshop!
I would like to construct a traditional timber frame building in back yard 7.5 long by 5 mtr side or there about i am thinking green timber . elm unsure if it’s english or American will wait for the leaves to come out about five trees and think it would be a good use of the trees what would be the best cut 8×8 and 6×6 and some 4×4 can cut 6.2 in length so would have to have a join to create the total over all length . No window or doors on one of the long walls . thinking redwood cladding ship lap most probably . Don’t really no anything about traditonal framing but have a sawmill and some mean as chisels